Monday 10 May 2010

Malaysia Mulls in Nuclear Power

Malaysia mulls nuclear power

Daniel did posted up an article with regards to Singapore considering the usage of nuclear power. Seems like Singapore's neighbour is up for it as well. Malaysia is considering plans to operate a nuclear power plant within 15 years, as an effort displayed to find cheaper energy sources.
It says here in the article that the Malaysian government is already starting to find suitable locations for small nuclear reactors, and would seek to obtain technology from South Korea, France, China or Japan.
To me I strongly believe that as long as mishaps and/or accidents would not happen it will be fine for all. However of course there are risks and the dangers if the radioactivity were to affect everyone else in the vicinity. It would lead to a serious problem for all. Singapore would also be greatly affect, being the tiny neighbouring country she is.
What do you think with regards to Malaysia also considering nuclear energy as a source of energy?

Wednesday 5 May 2010


Love, Sweet Love. (---- pssst, clicky clicky!)

Love, sweet love. All I could do after reading the article was to just smile a little and shake my head. Love. As much as the title may suggest the lovey dovey and all that jazz, the article is pretty much highlighting the not-so-fine aspects of love. Such lovely irony, haha.

One of the things the writer had to get off his chest in the article was regarding teenagers being often engaged in public displays of affection to the extent that it is all being an eyesore for people in general (Is there actually a minority that actually enjoys observing such stuff? Zomg I hope not. x.X) . The article also suggests that they are becoming an increasingly common sight, which I can't deny having witnessed them when I'm not in school nor at home.

To me, I do think that such acts are actually okay, but NOT simply because I am in a relationship and thus am in denial that it can appear disgusting (I'm not such an extreme person so I don't pull such stunts in public, okay?! ), but that it ought to be kept in moderation. The concept of all humans unable to contain or possess too much of anything stands true. It is definitely unacceptable when acts of affection start to get erm... explicit-looking. I shall not further elaborate on that, I'm sure you guys know what I'm talkin' about... x.X

So I'm pretty much neutral about this. Apart from students (I forgot to mention that the writer is solely targeting students) behaving with such extreme due to... perhaps raging hormones, I think partly why this topic has turned out so negatively is because Singaporeans, no matter what, areconservative beings in the first place.

I recall the days when I was a small child, yelling out loud some "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!" when my brother and I spotted some young adults shyly pecking each other's cheek in a park, which definitely embarrassed the hell out of the couple. Why was this so? Our parents or grandparents nurtured as so. We as teenagers of this generation are caught in between two society extremes of being very conservative like the olden traditional times or by being outright ignorant, open and expressive as how the American culture has influenced us all. Those that display such eyesore acts of affection are perhaps edging to the extreme of not caring about the rest of the world. =P

But well, what do you guys think? Is it pretty much unacceptable? Why or why not?

Thursday 29 April 2010

Let's just say that I'm not too sure where to start. XD

In any case, this is a first for me to actually have a blog without confined conditions of blogging in terms of a single topical content for school work. Though I must say that it's kinda awesome. Hee.

& this brings me back to blogging, having pretty much dumped my previous blog with all dark and gloomy n emo-y posts. Wakakaka.

....Soooo yeaaaa.

Everything's been good if not awesome when it comes to school so far. Not-a-bad school, not bad ways of learning and receiving and assessing knowledge imparted by lecturers, and awesome people constitute my entire class. Hee. For once, I open up to my classmates readily before they presume I'm some introverted (I know what you guys are thinking!! What introvert?! XP) -self-centred... um.. selfish person. That's what happened in my upper-sec school class which molded to some silly yet irreversible misunderstanding. Which was pretty sad and wasted. But oh well.

And heh, for once I look forward to going to school everyday.... for now. I don't know if upcoming killer-deadline projects would scare us all away, but at least this is for now. Even when I felt crappy and was really sick last weekend, I was more or less cursing and swearing about how weak I can be once my immune system was down... and how I wanted to get back to my feet cause I wanna attend lessons. Even now I find it pretty unbelievable. XD

Well that aside, this blog is set and will be 'ON!' for opinions and thoughts on.. basically whatever that comes to anyone's mind. Be it issues of the world or about how many buttons are there on your shirt, any form of answer would normally reveal a bit of a person yea? ;P

I'm not too sure about how personal or rather a less tad personal I ought to be when it comes to this blog, but I'll be doing my best to keep things readable, not too emotional and of course I'm not into dramatic exclamations via mere online words, so I'll try to keep that to zilch. =P

Alrighty-o, as some of y'all may read this, let's get our minds thinking and revitalized as we give thought to more issues than merely dipping into sparse thinking-to-fadeable-nothingness,

'right BM1005'2010? ;P